Monday, October 29, 2012

Is it just me??

Y'all I don't know if it is just me,
or if people just aren't honest about the crazy crap that happens in their lives.

And if it is just me, what exactly have we done that this stuff keeps happening to us?

If you know me in real life, you know that I run late almost every morning. 

Here is a sample of my morning for you:

John was texting me upset that I hadn't let him know I had gotten to work safely in a timely manner.
I responded with the following email.

To: John (Work)
From: Rebekah
Subject: My Morning.

Where to start...
I had to take the hay out of the truck, which took forever and got me covered in grass.
Then the clutch wouldn't work so I had to put in more fluid
I dropped the gasket through the engine and had to lay on the ground to pick it up from under the truck.
Somewhere between the hay and the wallering around on the ground I got into fire ants. But didn't realize this issue until I was driving down the road running quite late to work.

I get to work covered in grass, break fluid and fire ants. I had to strip down in the bathroom to find all the ants and deal with the grass. BUT I just pulled 2 ants out of my bra during lunch in front of everyone.

So, Sorry I didn't text.

From: John (Work)

You are excused LOL 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Another Week...

Another week has come and gone and I haven't touched my blog.
Life has slowed down substantially around here since tax season has passed us,
but now I'm swamped with all the junk I couldn't do while I was working all the time. That junk has really piled up!

This past weekend was pretty busy, but it was great fun!

Friday was a half day at work to celebrate the end of tax season!
I spent my time off baking pies! 

Friday evening was the Abused Children Protection Fund - Pennies for Pies Fundraiser at a local country club.  I baked last year for the event, and of course as their newest board member I participated again! 

Pennies for Pies was followed by my favorite food event of October... On The Boarder Endless Enchiladas!! Mmmmm!!

Saturday was a Busy, Busy day too! 

Baby Brother's UIL Marching Contest
(they made 1's!! Area competition next Saturday!!)

Followed by The Texas Tech vs. Texas Christian University football game!

Look at all the RED in amongst the Purple!!

Wreck 'em Tech!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Have you seen this??

I can't stop laughing!!

This is a blog post by a UK blogger about whether or not you're ready to grow your family.

My favorite parts? 

Comparing Goats to children... as a person with goats - let me tell you how much funnier that makes this!

Test 8: Grocery Shopping
1. Go to the local supermarket. Take with you the nearest thing you can find to a pre-school child - a fully grown goat is excellent. If you intend to have more than one child, take more than one goat.
2. Buy your weekly groceries without letting the goat(s) out of your sight.
3. Pay for everything the goat eats or destroys.
Until you can easily accomplish this, do not even contemplate having children.

Second favorite part? 
The part that my husband says is "disgusting" and couldn't possibly be realistic.
(I'm thinking we need to do some serious baby sitting ASAP)

Test 5: Cars
1. Forget the BMW. Buy a practical 5-door wagon.
2. Buy a chocolate ice cream cone and put it in the glove compartment. Leave it there.
3. Get a coin. Insert it into the CD player.
4. Take a box of chocolate biscuits; mash them into the back seat.
5. Run a garden rake along both sides of the car.

You should read it and have a laugh!
Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Lubbock Weekend!

This past weekend we went back to our College Town, Lubbock, TX!
{marking off number 26!}

We picked the game against West Virginia on a whim, because it was when we could go -
ironically enough, it was Homecoming Weekend!

It was great to see my Aunt M & Uncle B and have some good time to visit with them!

We also got to see some of our old college friends!

It was just like going home after a long time away!!

It was also nice that we happened to be there for a heck of a win! : )


Friday, October 12, 2012


Friday, Friday Friday
{now imagine me singing that and doing an embarrassing little dance in my chair}

Life has been Crazy!
Deadline is upon us 
(Monday is your deadline to file your 1040 if you extended it folks!!)
and I feel horrible that I won't be around for the awful afternoon the office is about to have...
or the terrible Saturday everyone in the office (except me) will experience.

But I will be on the way to Lubbock!!
That's right! For the first time since I graduated - we get to go back and see a football game!
And my Aunt M and Uncle B!! : D


I've been trying to keep my excitement to a minimum since things were so stressful around the office.
But the closer we get to the time to leave, the more antsy and excited I get!!

Pictures to come... and WRECK 'EM TECH!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Student Loans

We have a tax deadline quickly approaching and life is crazy - 
but I just had to share this! 

AHH! It drives me crazy!
(And I laughed for a long time when I read this... maybe I need more time away from my desk)
We don't mind paying back our student loans - it's just that they changed the terms on us and now we have less time to pay back student loans (equivalent to the cost of buying a house) in a third of the time that they give you to pay off a house!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Weekend Recap {visiting Bubba}

This past weekend we went to see Jacob at ETBU!

Many of you will remember how I wasn't exactly thrilled with him moving
(as seen here and here)
It was a difficult emotional time for me.

Well, I've gotten over the emotional mess and readjusted to life with my brother 3ish hours away.

It was so nice to go and meet his friends and see his life there and how much he is enjoying his college experience! 

You can't really see him, but Hayden is Jacob's best friend, one of his roommates and plays on ETBU's football team! GO HAYDEN!!

Smile Jacob!!
Beginning of the game...
It was COLD!
(okay, cold for Texas!)

End of the game...
All bundled up!

Sunday we went to church with the brother,
then since it was family weekend Hayden's girlfriend's parents
and a friend and her parents all joined us for lunch at a local BBQ.

It was a great weekend!

{We're really looking forward to next weekend - we're headed back to LUBBOCK!!
We'll get to see old friends, family and Texas Tech Football!!}

Thursday, October 4, 2012

{Political Rant}

{This is not FOR or AGAINST a particular candidate, it's just about Politics in general}

If you know me, you know I love politics!
I have a degree in Political Science for pete's sake!

I am a card toting, proud member of the, Err... I promised I wouldn't make this specific {but if you are curious, I'd be happy to share privatly}
BUT I pride myself on the fact that people can come to me (and many a friend does!) for unbiased information on a subject!

Inevitably, every time there is some major legal, political issue people turn out in DROVES to talk about it (particularly on Facebook)! People who on 360 days of the year don't give a darn what is going on in the House of Representatives or Senate floor. 

Usually this doesn't bother me, because - hey - at least they are showing an interest!

I think apathy is one of the BIGGEST problems in America!
If you don't care & you don't vote, you are forefitting your RIGHTS to complain!
because you had a chance to do something about it!
{and if I really get on my soap box, I'll start talking about a grassroots movement through political parties if you actually care about what happens in government}

But I also firmly believe in your right to not care. Your right to say and do nothing.
Because this is America.

But nothing gets my blood boiling MORE than what I saw on Facebook this morning.

A "friend" (who shall remain nameless) posted:
"The debates are making it easy for me to clean out my 'friend' list."

How shallow and awful this is to think that you can't be friends with people of differing opinions. Better yet, how un-American!
Yup, she has the right to say it. Doesn't make it right.

And she isn't alone. There are people all over (on both sides) saying similarly uneducated things.

That concludes todays rant... BUT in all seriousness - PLEASE REGISTER TO VOTE! You still have time to get registered before the election next month.
Do your American duty, people died so that you have this right. Use it!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

WIWW - a monumental accomplishment for me!

I'm pretty awful at posting my What I Wore Wednesdays...
but this week it is more than that for me!

It's a big enough deal, I'm even willing to post an AWFUL picture of myself for it!

OKAY, so for the monumental accomplishment part!

I got this dress last December maybe early January. I had gained quite a bit of weight, but I'm not sure exactly how much because I was adamantly ignoring the scales. : )

I bought the dress because I really liked it but it didn't really fit... at all.
it was on sale - and it was already a very frustrating shopping trip so I wanted something to show for it. 

That miserable shopping trip has been in my mind since then. 
And I never even took the tags off the dress, much less wore it until this morning.

I decided "what the hay" and gave it a whirl
(I seriously need to do laundry in other words!)

It not only FITS, but it's a little too large!! : ) !! : )

(In this picture I was *trying* to demonstrate the "wiggle" room in the dress by pulling my hand forward in the pocket... all that accomplishes is making it look bad.)

Sometimes it takes time! It takes a chance to step back and look at all the work you've accomplished!
I had NO idea I had lost this much weight
(especially since I didn't know what I weighed this time last year)
I intellectually understood I was smaller although I'm great at beating myself up because it doesn't seem like I make great big huge strides in the weight-loss department.
But it is so great to be shown the success you've had!

Ironically enough, I'm also so sore I can hardly move from yesterdays workout!