Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Finish This (Week 18)


I feel an adrenaline rush when … I procrastinate. I really, truly think I work better under pressure so I'm pretty bad about procrastinating about stuff. I also get this rush when I have a lot to get done, like right before a deadline (even without procrastinating...).

I feel energized when …I get up & around first thing in the morning (as long as I got a decent nights sleep before). There's just something so energizing about being productive early in the day! I love it when before lunch I've accomplished more than I'll do in a whole day of distractions and sleeping in.

I feel small when … John calls me by my name. I know he's really frustrated with me (likely, rightfully so) when he says "Rebekah...". Without fail, I cry. I know it's a weird thing, but we always call each other pet names or nick names, he usually calls me "Bekah" so I know I'm in trouble if he whips out the "Re" before "Bekah"...

I feel big when … small details are noticed. When I host something, organize events, teach classes etc. I try very hard to give it my all. I'm a detail person, so I will put lots of little details into things that some people don't notice but I feel like makes the difference in the big picture. When someone notices the detail I put into something I feel like they honestly see what I've done and appreciate the work I put in.

I feel indestructible when … I can't think of a particular daily event that I feel indestructible in, but giving birth to my daughter. That was probably the biggest high of my life! The feeling when I had brought her safely into this world was so big and powerful. Absolutely worth the long, intense labor. Before I had Cora, my Doula was talking about her upcoming Surrogacy and I just didn't get the concept of wanting to be pregnant just to be pregnant and have to give birth... now I do. She's said she doesn't want any more kids, just more births. I can totally understand this now!

I feel stupid when … I forget things, loose things, misunderstand, have to ask for clarification more than once...

I feel smart when … I'm able to teach someone something and they have a "light bulb" moment!

Linking up with Nicole (Three 31) Lisa (The Costal Chicster), Jen (The Arizona Russums) and Becky (The Java Mama) for this weekly series, Finish This!


  1. Yep, I feel stupid when I lose things & blame my kids and husband and the entire time it was me!

  2. Giving birth is definitely an indestructible feeling!!!!!! Husband and I have pet names for each other too, obviously since I always refer to him as Husband, and we rarely, if ever, use our real names!!! Thank you for joining the link up too. xo, Nicole

  3. Light bulb moments are amazing!! And fit into several of these prompts :)
    Funny enough I feel the same way when my husband calls me by my name, because we usually only use nicknames, so that name thing bugs me. lol

  4. The only time I really felt indestructible was as a child before I knew what destruction was.

  5. Totally relate to the pet name fact our two year old thinks my name is "Boot". Lol. David NEVER uses my name, and if he does I usually ask him what's wrong. :)


  6. Omgsh power to the procrastinators!! I am a horrible procrastinator, but when I have to get something done in a short amount of time and its my fault I get super energized somehow and turn out my best work, no matter what it is. I definitely am one of those people that works better under pressure as well!


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