Friday, September 28, 2012

Customer Appreciation

I haven't posted about Thirty-One recently...

but I am still selling Thirty-One and loving it!


I'm having a quick sale for Customer Appreciation from now though Saturday (9/29).

For every $31 spent you will earn a voucher for $5 off of a future purchase of $31 or more in October or November! 

This is a great sale to help you make Christmas shopping more affordable!

Don't forget that by spending the $31 you are eligible for our monthly specials!

This months customer special is, for every $31 spent, you can pick any* item in our catalog for HALF off!

This is a great way to afford one of our many popular bags that may usually be a little splurge!

We have a brand new Fall Catalog with tons of new products and prints!
you can check it out at my website or feel free to leave a comment or email me and I'd be happy to mail you a catalog!

(*this does exclude the very few items we have with licensing reqirements)

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Desire to Inspire: Taking Time out of your Day

I stay pretty busy.
okay.. Very busy.

Sometimes I let my negativity get in the way of the bigger picture, in the way of what is really important. I really can be quite the hypocrite... or at least contradictory (don't believe me? Read this follow this link and look at what I said about my time right off the bat)

A couple of months ago I was asked and agreed to take a soon-to-be vacated spot on our counties Child Protective Services Board.
A couple of months ago, I wasn't quite as busy as I am now.

I had forgotten how much time being the Childrens Choir Director took up once school started

and I had forgotten how much time rehearsals for our church Christmas Production would take
(yes, they've already started!)

I was so resentful that I had said yes to such a wonderful cause.

My heart was an ugly place.

When I drug my grumbling butt down to the meeting I was rewarded and blessed beyond measure.
I saw first hand all the good that this group of people does.
I saw how they provide for these beautiful children who have done nothing wrong but have been given a terrible hand in life. 

No worries, I was set straight.
Some things are just a God thing.

I have the time to give to them.

I just need to stop thinking about me
I need to recognize the opportunities God is giving me and embrace them
rather than frown on them and check my watch or refer to my slightly abundant calendar.

My time is important to me, but I should recognize this blessing and offer my time as an Offering.

I want to encourage you to embrace the Blessings you are given,
make time for the things that matter.

{Come link up with us at Royal Daughter Designs every Thursday for Desire to Inspire!}

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


My learning curve has been in full swing as of late. Here are my most recent lessons.

If you don't have time say NO! Because when you don't it usually ends up requiring more time than you thought.  
That is how I most recently ended up on not just one Board but on it's sister Board too!
Oh - did I mention they're a minimum year commitment??
(don't get me wrong if you're reading this & you're on the boards too - they're for an amazingly great cause - I'm excited about them. I'm just incredibly busy!)


The dentist is expensive. Period.
Even with dental insurance, and the fact that we do take care of our teeth.
John is having a series of appointments to fix an array of painful issues that could no longer be ignored.  It's taking up our entire expendable income (and then some) for two months time. 


Septmember is almost over.
How did that happen??


My house is a disaster zone. 
 I seriously don't know when I will be able to clean it.
It is making me crazy!
{can you tell?}
I'm thinking about taking a day off work just to clean up the clutter and junk!

Does anyone else ever feel this way??


On that note... I'm headed back to work.
20 days until the final tax deadline of the year!!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

It's OK Thursday!

I am in need of a venting session - so It's OK Thursday it is! 

Its Ok Thursdays

It's OK...

... that I have worked 16 days straight, right through the weekends.
But that means I have survived another tax deadline at work!!

... that I am choosing to be ignorant about the fact that we are only 25 days from the next tax deadline.

... to have a small melt down because you can't run to the store to buy the next book in a series as soon as you finish the last one.

... to have decided life may not go on without purchasing an e-reader. {I read a book on my phone a couple of weeks ago and LOVED it, I'm now addicted}

... to feel so shut off from the world without my phone. Some stupid jerk stole mine last week and I can't get it replaced until tomorrow. : ( 

... to really, greatly, HUGELY dislike said jerk for stealing my phone.  Oh, and the police who refuse to do anything about it.

... to not really be looking forward to my class reunion this weekend. Does anyone really enjoy these??

... to be ecstatic about Christmas already! {hey! I get a free pass - we started Christmas production rehearsals last week, it's impossible to not feel festive if you're singing Christmas songs!} not understand why dental visits have to be so expensive!!

What's OK with you this week?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

...and Gossip

Once upon a time...
not all that long ago, I had an influence in my life that I shouldn't have. 

We've all been there and done that - had friends we really shouldn't have.
In my case, she was far too manipulative.
I knew she lied to others and for some reason I assumed she would never lie to me or about me. 

Well, let's just say I was wrong.
A spade is a spade.

 When I saw this picture, the ugly fight that ensued when I had enough came to mind.

I wish that someone had used these words to calm me over the matter.
Of course nothing she was saying was true.
Or was so far from the seed of truth that it was ridiculous.

But I was furious! And through my fury, frustration and anger that my
reputation was being tarnished I lost sight of the fact that it wasn't true.

That none of it was true.

If I conduct my life in such a manner that is pleasing to God,
why would anyone believe it when the inevitable Gossip or lie surfaces.