Saturday, March 28, 2015

World Doula Week (& an Annoucement!)

I have been planning out this post and wanting to sit down and write it for days. Long story, but we haven't had internet and my laptop (temporarily) died at the hands of a particular 17 month old... so blogging, or really much of anything has been quite the challenge of late. I will update more on life soon, but I really want to talk about Doulas! 

With only hours to spare we are closing out World Doula Week.
Ironically enough, we hired our doula for Baby Lewis 2.0 this week too!

Since Cora's birth I have become passionate about women making informed decisions about pregnancy and birth. I don't believe that my choices are right for everyone, they are just that - choices. I do believe that every woman aught to know and understand her options and risks associated with any and every intervention they are considering!

A Doula can be instrumental in helping a pregnant family to know and understand their options.
Doula's are not just for those wishing for an unmedicated labor and birth!
Doulas support the birth you want!

Doula's help you deal with the unexpected!
the unexpected is just a reality during labor and birth! Change is almost constantly happening and it isn't at all a far fetched idea to have a care provider walk in and say that suddenly something has to change, they want to introduce a new technique, intervention, who knows what. You may or may not have read up on whatever your care provider is suggesting and what the risks may be. Your Doula however, this is what she does! She is around birth professionally, she is in your corner. She will help you translate all that medical-speak and help you make an informed decision about what is best for you and your baby!

Doula's help to keep Active Labor Progressing
(aka shorter labors!)
When I was in labor thing seemed to be progressing fine but I needed to keep my pelvis open for baby to continue descending and labor to progress at a good rate. Sure, I would have had a baby eventually regardless of the techniques we used but by keeping labor progressive we shortened labor! I wasn't interested in any of the positions that opened my pelvis because it made contractions so much more intense. My doula made a great suggestion on positioning that opened my pelvis and coping techniques so that I could not only handle the intensity but I was actually able to sleep between contractions! 

Doula's can help you have an unmedicated birth!
I have run into so many women who say something along the lines of "I really wish I could have an unmedicated birth but I just can't deal with the pain". Women who have unmedicated births aren't extraordinary. They are just like you and me! One of the big things that makes a difference is knowing how to cope and deal with the pain, and a doula is educated and can help with that exactly!

These are just a few things that doulas do!
I am so excited to announce that this fall (after baby Lewis 2.0 arrives & we settle into being a family of 4) I will start training to become a Doula!

I can't wait to share more about my journey to becoming a Doula!
I couldn't be more excited to start on this path of serving pregnant and laboring mommas!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Finish This #62


This week's prompt for Finish this with Nicole 

I have $250,000 to spend as I wish, so I purchase …

 Well this is actually something that I've given a ridiculous amount of thought to. 
Not specifically what I'd do with $250K, but what we'd do with a large sum of money in general.

We're pretty boring, I'd pay off debt. I'm pleased to say that $250K would more than pay off all of our student loans, car and medical debts at this point today with money left over!

The remaining money I'd put towards building our dream home! Our "dream home" isn't what most people think of when they say "dream home". I feel like it is really quite practical and in this hypothetical windfall of money after paying off debt we would have enough to build this "dream home" with cash or very close to a cash-build (yay for not adding any debt!)!

If we were being a little frivolous and rather than simply paying off debt or just building the house, if I wanted to splurge a little I think we'd purchase a travel trailer. That's been on our list of things that if money were no issue we'd make an investment in. It just seems like such a wholesome family activity that one purchase can span a decade or more of use! We love tent camping but it's just such an undertaking to prepare all the gear and get it packed, we generally only make a trip once a year. I really think a travel trailer would allow us more freedom as everything could stay packed in it except clothes and you pack those for any trip, so no big deal!

 What would you do with a large sum of unexpected money? 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Our Snow Bunny!

I'm seriously hoping that winter is quickly finding it's end.

Really we haven't had a bad winter, but by March I'm always ready for spring and in Texas that is usually the weather we're getting! 

This year winter seemed to reserve all of it's snowiness for right at the end.

Cora thought she would like to play in the snow. She saw all the fluffy white goodness out the screen door and couldn't wait to get outside but the joy didn't last long once she learned that snow is cold!